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One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Sarah Jane.

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

Welcome and thanks for stopping by to check out this blog. This world is filled with so much to see and do and yes I want to learn and explore all of it. I am on a quest to find out who am I and allowing myself to explore different things. Before this moment in my life I would make a blog focusing on my family and/or the boys but this blog is about me and truthfully I'm a little scared and excited. Let me explain....

I'm a mother of two teenaged boys. Life hasn't been easy for us and I have spent the last 15 years making everything I am around them. From the things I educate myself on for personal growth to hobbies and interests we share together. Don't get me wrong I still plan to do this but now as the boys get older and are exploring things on their own, I have realized that I have many questions about myself and the world that I don't really know the answers to and I feel somewhat lost and sadden.

As my boys figure out who they are as individuals, which is amazing to watch. I have also noticed that I am limiting myself to get out and explore things because the boys are no longer interested in tagging along. They are teenagers and I'm their mom, I totally get it but why am I stopping myself from exploring and learning new things because they aren't interested?

With all of this reflection, I think it's time for me to take sometime to focus on my own self. I now have the opportunity to explore who is "Sarah Jane" and to embark on a personal journey and explore the world around me (even things that bore the boys). I'm using this blog to keep a record and bring others along. I was never one to explore and learn things by myself. I find it more fun to share experience's with others and who know's, maybe it will inspire, educate, or give you ideas of fun things to explore.


I love music. You may find music links at the bottom of the posts. Like this one below.

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Elizabeth McGregor
Elizabeth McGregor
May 17, 2021

Excited to see where this new chapter in your life takes you.

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